Corvus Greenwood Amulets

I am pleased to offer the following Amulets and jewelry for purchase. All amulets have been ritualistically cleansed and charged. Each comes with instructions to prepare the amulet for your personal use. Each amulet comes beautifully packaged in a decorative, cotton-lined box. All amulets come with an adjustable 17-19 inch black cord with silver-tone lobster claw clasp, unless otherwise specified. Sterling Silver chains are available and may be purchased separately.
One of my specialties is taking semi-precious gemstones and pendants (also, vintage sterling silver pendants) and combining the symbolism of the object with energy-enhancing semi-precious gemstones and crystals. These are hand-crafted dazzling creations, each one with a unique personality and energy. Look for this emblem: Lady Demeter Custom Jewelry, to identify these original, wearable objects d' art.
Looking for a special, intriguing, avant garde gift? Shop our Jewelry selection below, along with our Vintage and Antique Jewelry page. Our amulets are sure to please even the most discriminating recipient and connoiseur. Stop by often and browse: we continuously add new and unique pieces.
- In addition to the products below, we have a selection of Royal Turkish Jewelry
- Visit our Vintage and Antique Amulets page for an amazing selection of unique, rare, beautiful antique amulets and powerful talismans.
- Please scroll down for information regarding the History of Jewelry and Amulets, along with an Introduction to Selecting Amulets and Building Your Personal Collection. Enjoy!
Magickal Jewelry
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The Power of Stones: A Brief History of Jewelry and Amulets

We Know that humans have been
fascinated with amulets since the beginning. In Morocco, archaeologists discovered shell beads, dating back to 110,000 B.C. and described them as the oldest amulets known to man. Excavations in Israel and Algeria uncovered drilled shells dating back to 98,000 B.C. A discovery in the Blombos Cave in Africa, yielded purposely drilled shells which dated back to 73,000 B.C. Shell and Ivory beads, dating back to 28,000 B.C. were discovered in the Czech Republic.
We also know that Cro-Magnum wore necklaces and bracelets made from bone, teeth, berries, shells and stones hung from animal sinew. In Russia, bracelets carved form mammoth tusks were excavated. While, in Germany, The Venus of Hohle Fels was discovered in 2008 and dates back 35,000 – 40,000 years. The Venus is carved from mammoth tusk, and has a carved ring above the shoulders, suggesting it was worn as an amulet. The Venus is not a object meant to bestow beauty, but rather she is an amulet of fertility and/or shamanism.
The first copper jewelry appeared 7,000 years ago. In lower Austria, the grave of a female jewelry maker was found, forcing archaeologists to re-examine gender roles.
In ancient Egypt, jewelry making was firmly established 3000 – 5000 years ago. In predynastic Egypt, jewelry and gemstones were used to bestow and symbolize power, religious power, health, fertility, protection and to assist with the transition into the afterlife. Similarily, gemstone amulets were used in Mesopotania, Asia and India (approximately 5000 years ago) and later by other civilizations including the Greeks, Romans and Celts.
In the New World, the use of gold dates back 5000 years, with the Aztecs, Mixtecs, Mayans and other Andean cultures creating jewelry amulets. Also, the indignious people of North America made, wore and traded amulets. Lignite beads (dating back to 8800 B.C.) were discovered in the southwest plains and olive shells were discovered in Nevada (dating back to 6600 B.C.)
The use of gemstones and amulets is interwoven throughout human history. These objects were believed to possess magical properties, which trumped their material worth. Gemstones and amulets worn for protection and courage accompanied warriors into battle. Amulets of fertility were worn to insure procreation, safe pregnancies and easy childbirth. Amulets were worn to help insure abundance, good health, fidelity, ward off evil, to gain favor of the Gods/Goddesses and to ease the transition from this world into the next. For thousands and thousands of years, gemstones and amulets have been associated with supernatural powers and magick.
In honor of this ancient tradition, please enjoy our selection of amulets and gemstone jewelry. Each piece is accompanied by a detailed description and all have been ritualistically charged. A magical world awaits you…
Choosing Amulets:
An introduction and examples of Protective Amulets (from my personal collection) for Daily Wear and
Use During Ritual, Drumming,
Dream-work and Astral Travel

Amulets of protection can be worn every day and night, either over or under clothing. They are always worn during ritual work, drumming circles and for serious Dream or Astral Travel work. In my experience, it is always wise to wear amulets of self-protection. As an introduction, I’ve included a photo of very powerful, favorite amulets from my personal collection.
One wears consecrated amulets to provide personal protection in all aspects of life, but especially during dreams, ritual, drumming circles and travel to the middle, upper and lower worlds. In addition to protection, amulets may promote good health,
abundance, love, courage, etc.
It is recommended to seek an elder to assist with this serious work. Furthermore, an elder’s assistance in choosing the right amulets is invaluable. Choosing amulets is an intimate affair. Let your intuition guide you and choose the jewelry which you are intrinsically drawn to. Meditate on the purpose you intend for the amulet. Your choice may reflect your connection to your Spirit Animal Helper or for a specific purpose (such as to attract love, etc.) You may sense that an amulet is “speaking to you” to be chosen or that it is attracting your attention in some way. When choosing semi-precious or precious gemstones, generally speaking, the stone should communicate to you when gently held in your hand. The stone may become comfortably warm or it may pulsate or tingle. For example, when one of my students held a large Apache Tear, she described it as sending a current, which started in her hand and traveled up her arm. Interestingly, I had the same sensation from this stone! Certain stones (fluorite, is one example) may calm and relax you, almost putting you in a mild trance or meditative state. It is wise to research your amulet for the symbolism of the image and gemstones/materials. Suggestions are given below.
The following descriptions of some of my personal amulets, serves to illustrate how one does research into the symbolism of the amulet or semi-precious gemstone to attune oneself to the energy and empowerment.
From left, clockwise: Lapis Lazuli coiled bracelet- Lapis is a powerful stone of self-protection and victory. Especially useful if you feel need protection and/or are under psychic attack.
Next item- A beautiful, handmade, beaded necklace from the Makah Native American tribe of the Northwest. This necklace was a gift and features whale’s flukes (or tail) carved from whale bone (symbolism: compassion, solitude, knowledge of life & death, transformation, unbridled creativity) and two Olive shells (symbolism: intimate connection with the sea and allowing feelings to flow). For me, this is the ultimate, powerful dream-work necklace and I never begin dreaming or journeying without wearing it. It is also worn in the drumming circle.
Next item- the Witch’s Double Seal. This paticular Double seal was designed by the renowned Witch Queen, Lady Circe (1921-2004). Made in 1972, from sterling silver, featuring a sterling silver chain (traditionally made without a clasp to signify the unbroken circle). The double seal, is also called the Six Pointed Star, the Hexagram, the Seal of Solomon (man’s dominion over the laws of the great world). Fairly recently (after1897), the Six Pointed Star was adopted as a Jewish symbol (the star of David), but as such, it has remained a controversial symbol through the years. Worn by initiates of the Old Religion, the Double Seal represents the Union of Opposites; the Macrocosm (the Universe). The Magician or one’s personal will in union with the divine will. This bestows knowledge, mastery, dominion and power (see The Magician, card number one in the Tarot). In other words, the ability to receive from above and transmute into earthly things. When the two triangles (one black and one white) are fused together into the Double Seal it indicates that matter is not opposed to spirit, instead both are aspects of the same thing, i.e. unification and integration. Here we have an amulet of protection par excellance, which most initiates keep with them at all times. It is always worn during ritual work.

Last item– Pentacle of Protection. A wonderful masculine amulet (which belongs to my husband; he calls it “the protector”), featuring the Five Pointed Star or Pentagram (the microcosmos), surrounded by a circle to form a Pentacle which symbolizes eternity, totality, unity, the inner-connectivity of all elements: earth, air, fire, water and spirit. Like the Double Seal, the Pentacle of Protection is worn or carried at all times.